
YBBP yakatevedzana flameproof inosiyana frequency kumhanya inoronga matatu-chikamu asynchronous mota

Tsanangudzo Pfupi:

YBBP yakatevedzana explosion-proof variable frequency three phase asynchronous mota chigadzirwa chitsva chakagadzirwa nekambani yedu zvinoenderana nemusika kudiwa. Inoshandiswa pamwe chete ne frequency converter, inogona kuwana stepless speed regulation mune yakafara frequency range ine speed regulation wide range, fast dynamic response, high speed regulation kurongeka, etc. The power level and install sizes of this series of motors inoenderana International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) chiyero, uye hukama hunoenderana hwakafanana neyeGerman DIN42673 standard. spare parts.

Product Detail

Product Tags


YBBP yakatevedzana explosion-proof variable frequency three-phase asynchronous mota chigadzirwa chitsva chakagadzirwa nekambani yedu zvinoenderana nemusika kudiwa. Inoshandiswa pamwe chete ne frequency converter, inogona kuwana stepless speed regulation mune yakafara frequency range ine speed regulation wide range, fast dynamic response, high speed regulation kurongeka, etc. The power level and install sizes of this series of motors inoenderana International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) chiyero, uye hukama hunoenderana hwakafanana neyeGerman DIN42673 standard. spare parts.

Yakakodzera nzvimbo dzinoputika gasi musanganiswa uripo mupetroleum, makemikari, migodhi, simbi, chiteshi chemagetsi uye mamwe maindasitiri. Iyo yakanaka drive midziyo.


YBBP- 315L 1- 2- W
Y - Asynchronous mota
B- Kuputika-uchapupu Type
BP- Inverter mota
315- Frame Size:315mm
L- Kureba kweframe
1-core kureba
2- Pole
W--Ambient code.defaulted is indoor(Special chinodiwa:F1/F2-anti corrosion;WF1/WF2-kunze uye anti-corrosion,TH-inopisa uye humid zone type etc.)
Ex d IIB T4 Gb
Ex--Kuputika Kudzivirira Maka
d--Type yeKuputika Dziviriro (Kuputika-proof Type)
IIB -- Electrical Apparatus Kirasi(Kirasi II B)
T4--Tembiricha Boka(T4)
Gb -- Equipment Dziviriro Dhigirii

Basic parameters

Saizi yeframe: H80-H355 mm
Simba: 0.18 ~ 375 kW
Frequency: 50Hz/60Hz
Voltage: 380V/660V/380V/660V/1140V
Pole: 2P-8P
Kunyatsogona: IE3(GB18613-2012)
Dziviriro Giredhi: IP55/IP56/IP65
Kutonhodza Nzira: ≤132mm IC411; 160-355 IC416/IC411
Insulation: F/H
Basa: S1
Ambient tembiricha: -15 °C ~ + 40 °C
Nzvimbo: mukati / kunze / anti-corrosion
Kureba: ≤1000m
Kutakura: Chinese/SKF/FAG/NSK iripo
Kukwidza: IMB3/B5/B35/V1
Kuputika chiratidzo chekirasi: Exd II BT4 Gb / Exd I Mb/ Exd II CT4 Gb
Humidity: kusvika 90%



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